
IDEAT Design Magazine: a colourful trip to modern India

Today, I want to talk to you about a very beautiful magazine. Its name is IDEAT. This magazine is about Design, Modern Art and Architecture. I’m not really fond of that kind of magazines but when I saw it was a Special India Issue, I didn’t hesitate to spend 5 euros ( 300 rupies!) for it.

Trop beau! The pictures are colourful and make you travel. The articles introduce trendy artists or designers from India. The texts are short, so you never get bored and you have pleasure reading them. I learnt and saw a lot of things in this magazine. It is like visiting a Modern Art Museum in your sofa.

Click on the pictures to see them bigger or pass your cursor on them to get information.


IDEAT – november 2012 – Travel in India and visit the main cities in the country – The trendy places to go shopping or to visit exhibitions – Nine French people who have worked in India talk about it – What’s your favourite city: Marie-Hélène de Taillac, jewel designer: Jaipur; it is the capital of jewels and gems; 3 million people work in this industry there. – What do you miss when you leave India? Normal Studio, Design Agency: street food and bazars – Strength and weakness of contemporary India? J.François Lesage; furniture embroidery: India can organize its chaos with a feeling of energy and freedom but they are too eager for modernism – Sangaru Design Studio makes practical objects with bamboo – Satuendra Pakhalé, the Indian Philippe Starck – Doshi and Levien make glass objects and colourful sofas – Kama soap, organic cosmetic – Tata Dinasty – Manish Arora and his world of coloursDesigner Arjun Bhasin shows his home in MumbaiArchitect M.N. Sharman, the man who built Chandigarh with Le Corbusier – Hotels and shopping in Delhi – Discover Bollywood and Victorian architecture in Mumbai – Shanti life in Pondichéry – Auroville – Indian art: Anish Kapoor, Rina Banerjee, Subodh Gupta, Bharti Kher – Selection of music – Indian shopping in Paris…


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